Just read one of these and you will be left in no doubt !
Having read just a few books on the subject one can deeply appreciate the immense history of this subject and feel the fundamental importance of waking up and being honest about the harm RFR can cause. We can then adopt and use technology more safely. We dont need to give it up.
WiFi Refugee: Plight of the Modern-day Canary, Shannon Rowan (2022)
Excellent 2022 study of this increasingly critical issue. WiFi Refugee is not only a wake-up call; it is a testament to the determination and resourcefulness required of today’s WiFi refugees.
The Invisible Rainbow, Arthur Firstenberg (2020)
Incredible exploration and expose of the whole RFR subject. 550pp.
The Body Electric. Robert O. Becker, Gary Selden (1985)
Beautiful journey into discovering our Electric body, and hence the effects that RFR has on it. In particular Chapter 15 Maxwells Silver Hammer. 352pp.
Hidden Dangers, Capt Jerry Flynn (2019)
Easy to read, catalogued history of political and scientific poker going back to 1930’s. Decent summary of terms as well. 223pp.
Electro sensitivity and Electro hypersensitivity A Summary, Michael Bevington (2010)
43 pp including 800 references to scientific papers relating to EHS.
Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution, Camilla Rees and Magda Havas (2009)
“Brilliant book, Magda Havas’ research into electromagnetic radiation and dirty electricity has inspired me for many years. Great useful reference guide composed by Magda and Camilla to help people identify prevent or reduce exposure to toxic wireless radiation.”
Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation Devra Davis (2010)
“Brilliant history for those studying the effects of electromagnetic radiation and mobile phones. Great documentation of the history and key biological discoveries of the harm caused by wireless radiation emitting devices.”
Radiation Rescue: 4 Steps to Safeguard Your Family from the Other Inconvenient Truth – The Health Hazards of Wireless Technology. Kerry Crofton (2010)
“This is a brilliant reference book on all the digital and wireless systems used in our daily lives, and how to reduce the radiation from them to create a healthier living environment.”
Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution , The Promise of Electromedicine, Robert O. Becker (1990, 2004)
“A fascinating, thoughtful, and accessible account of the emerging field of electromedicine. A timely and eloquent warning on the hazards of electronic pollution.”