“Exposing children to wireless in schools is criminal.” (11th March 2009)
Dr. Thomas Rau, Medical Director of the world renowned Paracelsus Clinic in Lustmühle, Switzerland
Feb 2021: US ‘potential liability’ notices to schools
Like any of us, children are exposed to the radiation from external transmitters, and also from devices that they are actively using. Whether the connection is from 4G/4G+ phones, future 5G devices, or Wifi, they are often holding a phone or iPad, or wearing Airpods for long periods of time.
Brain tumours have overtaken leukaemia as the leading cause of cancer deaths in children (both are associated with EMR exposure). Children today receive exposure higher than in any generation before them and they have been shown to absorb more radiation than adults.

It is too easy to suppose that ‘the children seem fine’. The problem is that these fields are invisible and subtle, and only sensitive people feel or see them. We need to understand that the effects from low level exposure are chronic and accumulate subtly over time.
Vulnerability in Children, PHIRE medical
US court case 2020: children injured by WiFi
Article by Childrens Health Defence – the dangers of RFR
“We appreciate that the information about the health effects of RFR has been de-factualised, strategically ignored and suppressed by governments and industry for decades, but with increasing exposure the fact is becoming undeniable that children and the public should not be forced to endure RFR without informed consent.”
Wilma de Jong, Dutch case 2020
Please visit the Mothersforsafetechnology website to learn about school wifi and find a template letter for the headmaster:
Write to your child's schoolGovernment support and health studies
Here is a selection of 151 published research references to studies related to the exposure of children and adolescents to electromagnetic fields, compiled by Powerwatch UK.
According to the estimates of IGNIR, (International Guidelines on Non Ionising Radiation), based on a range of surveys:
- 80% of children are subconsciously affected (eg disturbed sleep, impaired cognition and memory etc)
- 1.2 % are severely and consciously affected, but most will not link their ill health with the cause
- 0.65% are limited in the extent to which they can work in this environment, but most will not link their ill health with the cause
Some of the effects to look out for are: increased can- cer risk, genetic damage, cellular stress, oxidation of cells, changes to the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, and neurological disorders. Children and adolescents are particularly susceptible.
•The NHS has recommended reducing exposure to mobile phones and wireless radiation since 2002. See this link for a 2020 update from Public Health England on UK policy guidance. In this updated guidance they say that:
“Excessive use of mobile phones by children should be discouraged”
“Uncertainties in the science suggest some additional level of precaution is warranted”.
How long before they realise the same for WiFi ?
•The UK Chief Medical Officer, Dept of Health, stated that “young people under 16 should be encouraged to use mobile phones for essential purposes only”. Note that since the SAR from WiFi on iPads is HIGHER this should now cover iPads too. All devices are two way microwave transmitters, not just the source in the ceiling or modem.
•The 2014 Bioinitiative report update states “wireless laptops and other wireless devices should be strongly discouraged in schools for children of all ages”
The Department for Education in England stated (2018), “It is for individual schools to decide whether or not to implement Wi-Fi technology in order to meet their needs…. Schools must take reasonable steps to ensure that staff and pupils are not exposed to risks to their health and safety by conducting a risk assessment and, if necessary, putting measures in place to minimise any known risk.”
Some other useful links
Pregnancy, Wireless and Electromagnetic Fields
Schools Worldwide Removing The Wi-Fi And Reducing Exposure
Flyer from Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Childrens Health
Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe – Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children 2014. 1hr.
Health risk from wireless the debate is over; Olle Johanssen 2014
Some useful websites
http://wifiinschools.org.uk Dr Sarah Starkey, UK based website
https://ssita.org.uk Safe Schools Information Technology Alliance, UK based
http://www.wiredchild.org UK based website
Quotes from eminent researchers
•Anthony B. Miller, MD, FRCP. Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, raised deep concerns in a powerful letter sent to Gavin St Pier Esq, Chief Minister, The States of Guernsey.
“Of particular concern are the effects of RFR exposure on the developing brain in children. Compared with an adult male, a cell phone held against the head of a child exposes deeper brain structures to greater radiation doses per unit volume, and the young, thin skull’s bone marrow absorbs a roughly 10-fold higher local dose.” He also expands on his views of 5G: “5G IS NOT STAND ALONE – it will operate and interface with other (including 3G and 4G) frequencies and modulations to enable diverse devices under continual development for the “internet of things,” driverless vehicles and more.”
• Professor Tom Butler “Children are in the frontline and they are the canaries in the coal mine because they are the ones that will be more affected in the short term and whereas people will be more worried about cancer for example, to me cancer isn’t where the immediate effects are going to be felt, it’s going to be on children’s learning, neurological functions, their moods”
Prof Tom Butler publishes paper on the risks of digital technologies to children
•Open letter from the EM Radiation Research Trust sent via email to First News, 2020. First News sends news to 2.2 million school children recommended for children between 7 – 14 years. “The RRT takes the strongest possible exception to these unsubstantiated and false claims of absolute safety for 5G, and wireless telecommunication technology.”