The main source of near field radiation is your WiFi and your Mobile devices. It is simple to educate yourself about this and to learn new habits in safer use of these devices. The far field sources of RFR are the ever proliferating transmission masts.
These range from 30-80ft masts, which are currently New Radio 1 spectrum, or sub 6Ghz for 3G-5G. The new ‘5G’ mast heads are often also MIMO (beam forming).
There are also the smart city WiFi flexi zones mounted on lamp posts, which are most likely paving the way for the active mmWave 5G small cell network. 26Ghz mmWave airMax is currently used for point to point backhaul on tall masts. Pulse modulated microwave radiation is an environmental pollutant, and a threat to health.
Link to Mast Comments StepsWRITE TO:
- the Head of Planning, or your local authority CEO to ask some specific questions regarding the viability and lawfulness of 4/5G densification. Sample letter concerning the Sept 2023 legal submission :
It is untrue that the health effects of RFR emitting masts is not a siting issue. Indeed, no ‘siting’ issue for a mast is more significant, and paragraph 185 of the NPPF demonstrates that the health effects of a polluting technology, when used as an objection alongside evidence of such effects, has to be addressed as a ‘material planning consideration’.
NPPF is just guidance and advice, as Lord Gill says in the Supreme Court judgment in Suffolk Coastal District Council v Hopkins Homes Ltd,
“the guidance given by the Framework (the NPPF) is not to be interpreted as if it were a statute”
You can comment on a planning application, and send an objection letter to your council when you see a new mast/antenna proposal. This will alert them to their responsibilities to consider RFR pollution as a Material Planning Consideration, along with the other issues of property value, liability and energy consumption. For the 2 step process click the button above.
A Statutory Nuisance Complaint establishes your common law right not to accept a nuisance, even if the government currently permits it. With the SNC a common law nuisance is put on a statutory footing using the Environmental Protection Act. The hazard must be assessed by reference to all the evidence, not just current government guidelines. The burden of proof is not on you, but on the defendant to prove it is safe.
• You can issue a Statutory Nuisance Complaint (SNC) to object to the levels emitted from an existing mast: Click to guidance
• You can issue a Freedom of Information request (FOI) to gather evidence of what actions the council took to ensure safety: Click to guidance
• You may also wish to inform your Local Councillor about the international concerns over the 5G rollout.
• You can report Symptoms to support the UK 5G judicial review submission here.

Background Levels of electrosmog
The background levels of electrosmog (radiation) are increasingly unacceptable, particularly in urban areas:
See this site for Hammersmith and Fulham:
Measured using an Acousticom EMF meter, with phone on airplane mode, these clips show typical levels of electrosmog in London. For safer levels see here. Residents need to start objecting to this unwarranted intrusion. In hotspots for example in Shepherds Bush and Kings Cross the readings are off the scale.
Note: The Acousticom 2 measures wireless radiation levels. It is calibrated up to 6V/m, which is only 1/10th of the ICNIRP ‘safe’ level of 56 V/m, but 1000’s of studies have shown biological effects down to 0.05V/m, whereas the ICNIRP guidance just refers to heating effects over 6min exposure. See here.
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