EECC and objectors rights: Judicial Review, London. Karen Churchill and Neil McDougall assert that the Government failed to enact the public health protection provisions within the European Electronic Communications Code in the EECC Directive (EU) 2018/1972, when it was transposed into UK Law in December 2020, and that local authorities need to be equipped to undertake risk reconciliation.
Currently, Government policy effectively prevents the local authorities from assessing the health and environmental impacts of masts and small cells.
The initial application for Judicial Review has been dismissed, so permission is now being sought to appeal the dismissal. The defendants are claiming that Aarhus (support for environmental issues) cost capping does not apply; the Government are arguing the EECC’s focus does not concern environmental isues. The initial costs of £36,000+ are being firmly contested as clearly the case primarily concerns environmental and health impact provisions. Your support to help secure the case proceeding is vital as this opportunity to restore our right to partake in Planning with regard to protecting ourselves from risk and known harms.
Please support the case via the gofundme page as they need to cover their costs to continue with this vital challenge.
Cheltenham case: Judicial Review, High Court Cardiff. Steven Thomas argued 2 grounds against the council concerning a mast that was approved when it is 17m and 100m from residences, which also housed vulnerable groups. A legal win for a mast objector in Cheltenham, explains the hearing. Steven is lodging an appeal against the grounds ignored or in his view incorrectly dealt with.
Meanwhile do keep objecting to mast applications, see below.
New blogs:
•Take action steps on RFinfo: UPDATED Template Letter Step2:
•New portal for Mast planning application comments – ‘Esthers list’ August 2024.
Data Centers in Ireland Overtake All Urban Electricity Use Combined
Bath Rally for Sanity 7th July: write up of the event: UK: Smart City Trials Making a Spa City Sick?
Off grid camping in Wales for a break from everyday exposures.
Cell Tower Radiation Linked to Genetic Changes in Nearby Residents. More Chromosomal Aberrations
A Finding Too Hot To Handle. Senior European scientists are reporting that people living near cell phone towers show significant changes in their genetic makeup. This is the first time that chronic exposure to cell tower radiation has been linked to unrepairable genetic damage.
Health and Research
ES UK summer newsletter – cancer and RF, children and phones ….
As the market demand for this new ‘fast and effective’ communication technology is expected to expand exponentially in the near future, we face a very realistic question: “Where are we going to generate all of this energy simply to transport and store data?” 5G and the fast connectivity technologies are promoted as more efficient and energy saving. But how environmentally friendly will this be with exponentially increasing and widespread use?

Bacterial Effects of EMF Exposure, Sharon Goldberg MD. 2 years ago but good to review. 19mins.
Why electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is a biologically expected reaction to harmful radiation. Henziger/Budzinski
Please get rid of your cellphones now. Cellphone taskforce June.
Schools start to ban smart phones. Pupils at a preparatory school in the high-end borough of Kensington and Chelsea in London will give students as young as 10 a basic Nokia phone which can only receive texts and calls, amid the latest clampdown on smartphones. Eton College is also doing the same, along with about 11% of other schools. The reasons of course are not to do with the microwave radiation, but discipline and mental health, but it is a good step, that can invite further questioning. “We already have overwhelming evidence that smartphones fundamentally rewire every mental, physical, social and emotional aspect of children’s lives” The Spectator.
Richard Vobes – “Did Radiation Kill The Children”?
Radiation Levels Taken Outside Millstead School. Letter of Concern from EM Radiation Research Trust to UK Health Security Agency North West and Public Officials about this mast, after pupils die of mysterious causes. The Invisible Danger: Electromagnetic Frequencies, article on the same school from the WCH.
Freequencies – Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of The Year 2024. 13min film.
Desert Sage High School, a tuition-free, public Waldorf-inspired school in Tucson AZ has taken numerous steps to reduce cell tower, wireless and cell phone radiation exposure to students and staff.
Another WHO RF Review Challenged. More than 99% of Studies on Oxidative Stress Discarded
Radiofrequency Exposure Limits: Implications for 5G. Presentation given by Canadian physicist Paul Héroux presented at the 7th World Electrosensitivity Day online conference, June 16-17 2024. He states that (at 27.38) the industry is planning to change the SAR measurements for 5G, making them even wider, from 1degree heat to 5degrees heat.
Italy’s 6 V/m RF Limit at Risk. Industry Sees Strict Standard as Barrier to 5G Development
Seeks To Bring It into Line with ICNIRP.
Independent Scientists Call for Retraction of Flawed Review of Science on Wireless Radiation. CHD.
How do radio frequency radiation and electromagnetic fields affect human beings? 2min animation
Legal and Resistance
Update on the state of play of the Legal campaign in the UK. 43mins. “Mockery of the Law and us – Councils & Court Cover-Up” Karen Churchill, Steve Thomas.
Communication with Bath council about risk obligations (5G smart City)