Stroud Council recently acknowledged the necessity of seeing the public exclusion zones and the antenna power output / technical data from Telco applicants. When the applicant refused to provide these it was weighed as a lack of evidence of safety in Stroud’s risk benefit analysis of the application and for this and other reasons the mast was refused.
New blogs:
•Take action steps on RFinfo: UPDATED Template Letter Step2:
•New portal for Mast planning application comments – ‘Esthers list’ August 2024.
Data Centers in Ireland Overtake All Urban Electricity Use Combined
As the market demand for this new ‘fast and effective’ communication technology is expected to expand exponentially in the near future, we face a very realistic question: “Where are we going to generate all of this energy simply to transport and store data?” 5G and the fast connectivity technologies are promoted as more efficient and energy saving. But how environmentally friendly will this be with exponentially increasing and widespread use?
Residents object to ‘ridiculous’ plans Wi-Fi masts on Sussex beach
Health and Research
ES UK summer newsletter – cancer and RF, children and phones ….
Another WHO RF Review Challenged. More than 99% of Studies on Oxidative Stress Discarded
Biased? WHO-Backed Study Finds No Link Between Cellphones and Cancer. CHD.
EE tells parents: don’t give under-11s smartphones. BBC News. The recommendation – announced for the start of the new school year – comes amid growing concern about the effects of smartphone and internet usage on children’s mental health and behaviour.
For a Growing Number of Kids, Back to School Means No Cellphones. CHD – USA.
ICBE-EMF statement August 2024. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) is a humanitarian crisis that
requires an urgent response.
Legal and Resistance
5G Fraud Fiasco continues… Rachel of Council Watch on Colchester Council Leader and the Prior Approval and ICNIRP certificate issues.
Pittsfield Mast, Judge Rules Against Residents of Massachusetts Town Who Allege Verizon Cell Tower Is Causing Illness. CHD-USA. This negative but appealable ruling demonstrates the importance of public health related material planning considerations being addressed at the planning stage re: mast siting. “the ruling underscores the importance of fighting proposed cell towers and small cells as soon as they are proposed … during the permitting process when there is still political power to push back.”
Wirral in it Together. In response to an FOI request Wirral Council says it does not know if it is insured against RFR/EMF harm. They should call their insurers to find out!
ICBE-EMF reminder: Scientific evidence invalidates health assumptions underlying FCC and ICNIRP exposure limits determinations for radiofrequency radiation: implications for 5G