Judicial Review, London. The December 2023 EECC submission ‘Objectors Rights’ AC-2023-LON-003728 is waiting for a judge to be appointed.
The Directive EU 2018/1972 further asserts that LPAs were assigned EECC competent authority status as soon as the EECC was agreed, and that assignment was direct under EECC Recital 22. As such they must be made competent to risk assess Telco applications in situ.
Please support the case via the gofundme page as they need to cover their costs to continue with this vital challenge.
Judicial Review, High Court Cardiff: A legal win for a mast objector in Cheltenham
Meanwhile do keep objecting to mast applications; see below.
Can we stop the 5G rollout ? Karen Churchill and Steven Thomas with Richard Vobes. June 2024. 54mins.
Watch this update on the state of play of the Legal campaign in the UK. 48mins. “Mockery of the Law and us – Councils & Court Cover-Up” Karen Churchill, Steve Thomas.
•Take action steps on RFinfo: UPDATED Template Letter Step2: rfinfo.co.uk/mast-objection/
•There will be a new portal for seeing the latest Planning Applications – coming soon.
ONE WORD 5G Mobile Network Pilot Project The Pilot aims to improve connectivity and boost the local economy as a result of providing a new cutting-edge mobile network directly in the historic centre of Bath. Please see the Rally for Sanity July 7th, in Bath.
Smart Poles- A heads up Smart poles are being trialled to deliver 4G and 5G. They are replacing telegraph poles and will come under permitted development. “The news comes mere days after Britain’s Digital Infrastructure Minister asked all telecoms operators to stop deploying new telegraph poles and to share existing ones wherever possible.”
Digital Infrastructure minister Julia Lopez said new poles should only be installed “after ensuring that appropriate community engagement has taken place.”” It begs the question: What does “appropriate community engagement” actually mean??
Cellphone Taskforce: Newsletters. February: rainbow Lorikeets falling from the sky.
Revealed: 5G rollout is being stalled by rows over lampposts. The Guardian.
How Geofencing Technology Is Helping In Smart City Developments. Smart cities and cumulative effects on fundamental rights.
Public (body) Private (company) Partnership to make agriculture in rural areas automated
Public (body) Private (company) partnership to make surveillance in our towns automated
World EHS Day, subtitled “World Day of Intolerance to Electromagnetic Pollution”, will take place on June 16.
A dedicated Facebook group promotes it internationally and, this year, almost 2,000 organizations and people concerned by EHS will be informed by email about the event.
There are several ways to participate. Everything is explained in the following article: http://coeursdehs.fr/june-16-world-ehs-day-world-day-of-intolerance-to-electromagnetic-pollution/ which also contains all the material at your disposal and links to reports from previous editions.
Health and Research
Wireless Exposure is Dangerous, Especially for Kids – CHD
5G | Full Measure. 9min News interview, inc Devra Davis of EHT
U.S. NTP Quits RF Promised Studies on Mechanisms Never Done. Microwave News.
MPs urge under-16s UK smartphone ban and statutory ban in schools.
Penny Mordaunt’s Conspiratorial Advice to MPs. A closer look at her “facts” on 5G and their source.
EMF hazards summit. Canada’s ‘The EMF Guy’ Nick Pineault has got some good speakers on a range of topics. The summit is now paid for, offer (USA style) here.
IARC Again Asked to Review RF Cancer risk But not right away. Same advice given in 2019. Microwave News.
Latest news, and The Defender articles regarding wireless and other EMF-emitting technologies: IARC Again Asked to Review RF Cancer Risk, Just Not Right Away; UK government rejects calls for clearer facial recognition laws; List of cell phones withdrawn or updated for deception and endangering users; Sierra Leone putting digital ID at the center of its digital transformation agenda.
Self Assembling Nanotechnology and “Rubber Clots” Explained by Dr Ana Mihalcea MD PhD. What is it? In whom is it growing? How can we eliminate it? This circles back to the news about smart poles above, and LED lights and digital ID, below, and geofencing in article above….
Risks of EMF Shielding. Article by Blushield (who make harmonisers)
Is Radiofrequency Killing You? CHD morning TV 51mins
Have you got Smart Bulbs in your house? Paper about IoT and hacking.
WEF chooses Belfast, Leeds and London as global smart cities
Microwave News: homepage. Not much happening recently but a good US resource.
Ericsson European Mega Event showcasing 5G
BioEM (Bio ElectroMagnetics) June 2024 Conference in Crete. BioEM is the largest and most significant international conference worldwide in the area of bioelectromagnetics that attracts academic and industrial participants from all over the world.
Legal and Resistance
Watch this update on the state of play of the Legal campaign in the UK. 48mins.
Another reason to ban smartphones for children. Letter to the Chair of the Education Committee on 19th May 2024
A legal win for a mast objector in Cheltenham
Can we stop the 5G rollout ? Karen Churchill and Steven Thomas with Richard Vobes
The 5G operators who dont exist ! Ian Jarvis and Richard Vobes
UK based ACHES letters to councils: https://aches.international/uk-projects-against-mobile-masts/
Citizen wins LED street light court case against council.
Lawyer Greg Glaser won case in Los Angeles to stop digital ID. Presentation starts 10mins in.