Smart City Bath

The ONE WORD project, led by Telet, will provide the City of Bath with a new 5G network utilising around 24 small cells deployed in the central area. The project will build new Open RAN systems integration and will focus on testing how the network copes with “High Demand and Dense” environments.

Project Overview – One Word

A rally was held on July 7th to protest the lack of consultation and transparency over this trial. BATHNES are denying our right to be consulted and protected from untested exposures.

This is link to the application the council made to themselves for the trials:


Here are 3 important webinars about environmental effects:

This critique paper thoroughly debunks the claims made in the paper used by the government and Telecoms to support their claim that 5G is safe:

Michael Bevington reported on 5G adverse health effects ‘in situ’ studiesin 2023: 

Health Concerns of 5G and Setting Suitable Restrictions, he concludes :

‘5G, like some other technologies, was deployed ahead of actual health studies. Health evidence, including six case reports of 2023, now shows that 0.06 μW/m2 (0.005 V/m) is a suitable interim non-thermal restriction and needs to be set by public regulators.’

Here are three webinar recordings of lectures presented at the  Royal Society of Medicine in London last summer.

We recommend all recommend all three recordings on the page.  

In webinar 1 David Gee gives a very useful context of the history of environmental toxinson text of the history of environmental toxins & Dr Erica Mallery Blythe  logically and clearly presents scientific argument and medical evidence as to why the ICNIRP guidelines are not protective. 

In webinar 2 Dr Kent Chamberlain demonstrates why at least a 500m setback from masts is justified by current science.

In webinar 3  Professor Lin, who is an  ex-ICNIRP member, shares his reasoning why ICNIRP guidelines cannot be relied upon to protect public health, especially of children.

This ICBE paper is a detailed paper on the state of the science and ICNIRP’s false assumptions about safety.

Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health Dr Martin Pall, Washington State University

This milestone is important in regard to the recognition of EHS :

Press release regarding ‘Parents have now won a 5 year legal battle against 2 local authorities to have their child accommodated in school for EHS. They won in the Upper Tribunal, thus the ruling is also precedent setting. We believe this is the first case in the world where a government body is legally mandated to make low-EMF educational provisions to accommodate a child with EHS.

Phiremedical consensus statement

Multi photon excitation

We have seen in our earlier blog that ionization of air requires a high density electric field, normally achieved in nature through natural high-energy processes that provide enough energy to remove electrons from air molecules (like nitrogen and oxygen), forming ions and free electrons. Cosmic rays, UV radiation, lightening, radioactive decay, auroras, triboelectric effects (static), intense heat, Lenard effect (water), photodissociation.

Generally a balance of +ve and -ve ions in air is good. Abundant -ve ions have been shown to support health in particular situations. +ve ions generally cause oxidative stress. For those who are concerned that 5G mmWave Telco systems could possibly be ‘weaponised’ is there a possible mechanism for ionizing air with lower frequency waves (in the so called non-ionising spectrum) ?

One put forward is multi-photon excitation (similar to natural photodissociation). Technically this can indeed happen, but again in very specific circumstances which are unlikely to be present with current Telco equipment.  For multi-photon excitation to ionize air it requires a very intense and high-energy light source, such as an ultra-short pulse laser. This needs specific hardware.

Multi-Photon Ionization Process

  • Multi-photon ionization occurs when multiple photons are absorbed by an atom or molecule simultaneously or in very quick succession, providing enough energy to eject an electron and ionize the atom or molecule.
  • In the case of air, which is mainly composed of nitrogen (N2N2​) and oxygen (O2O2​), ionization would mean removing electrons from these molecules, creating plasma (a mix of ions and free electrons).

Key Factors in Ionizing Air with Multi-Photon Excitation:

  1. Photon Energy: Each photon carries a specific amount of energy depending on its wavelength (or frequency). To ionize a molecule like nitrogen or oxygen, the total energy absorbed must exceed the ionization energy of the molecule (which is about 15.6 eV for oxygen and 14.5 eV for nitrogen).
    • For example, a single photon in the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum might not have enough energy to ionize air molecules, but multiple photons (typically in the visible or near-infrared spectrum) can combine their energies to achieve this.
  2. Laser Intensity: The multi-photon process requires very high photon densities, which can only be achieved with extremely intense light sources, such as high-power pulsed lasers (e.g., femtosecond or picosecond lasers). The intensity needs to be sufficient for several photons to interact with the same atom or molecule at the same time.
  3. Number of Photons: The number of photons required for ionization depends on the wavelength of the light and the ionization energy of the gas. For example:
    • If you are using photons from a visible laser (with a photon energy of about 2 eV), it might take 7 or 8 photons to ionize a nitrogen molecule (with an ionization energy of ~14.5 eV).

Air Ionization via Multi-Photon Excitation

When a high-intensity laser pulse interacts with air:

  • If the photon density is high enough, several photons can be absorbed simultaneously by nitrogen or oxygen molecules.
  • This results in the ejection of electrons, creating ionized particles (ions and free electrons) and forming plasma.
  • The plasma can cause effects such as optical breakdown (where the medium becomes opaque due to ionization) and self-focusing of the laser beam.

This is the mechanism behind laser-induced breakdown or laser filamentation in air, where a laser pulse ionizes air along its path, creating a plasma channel that can sometimes even conduct electricity.

Practical Applications

  • Multi-photon ionization of air is used in high-energy physics, plasma physics, and laser-induced plasma technologies.
  • It also plays a role in applications like remote sensingatmospheric studies, and even experiments in laser-guided lightning (where a plasma channel is used to direct electrical discharges).

In summary, multi-photon excitation can ionize air under the right conditions, primarily requiring a high-intensity laser to overcome the ionization energy of the air molecules. Do we see this hardware in small cells and 4G/5G phased array masts ?

There are other claims that particles as such do not exist, and so theories about ions and electrons are moot. We would argue however that current particle models still account for alot of what works and is observed. We can invoke new models for how nature is, but we must first see an effect to explain if the current models fall short. So far we are not aware of any data showing that air is +ve ionised to a sufficient density around a Telco mast to cause health issues.

For more on the Wave Structure of Matter – which is most likely: