On May 1st 2023, the residents of two towns in Massachussetts voted to put new 5G cell towers on hold until the regulators provide environmental risk assessments and the FCC has addressed the 2021 Supreme Court ruling instructing them to account for non-thermal effects and EHS testimonials and adjusted their exposure guidelines (similar to ICNIRP) accordingly. See Blog.
End of May published Newsletter link
Upcoming lecture tour by Kent Chamberlain et al.

No fee for Bexhill 12.06.23
Link for Merton 13.06.23: eventbrite
Public booking link for London RSM 14.06.23: eventbrite
Sign up to newsletterMast Applications
•Take action steps on RFinfo: https://rfinfo.co.uk/masts/
•Take action masts forum: https://ukstop5g.freeforums.net/board/3/post-object
Planning rules for 5G masts in England Dec 2022
Edinburgh residents launch campaign against 65ft mast they say will block castle
This is a very revealing statement from Clarke Telecom in their SSSI report p.29, for an application in Wakefield:
“The way 5G works, it is closely connected with the Smart City agenda and will enable centralized control of lots of different street infrastructure owned or managed by councils, such as street-lights, water meters and bus stops. …Without the more basic technology solutions such as 5G, smart-region solutions and value-added outcomes will struggle to be brought to fruition. …It will support a better environment for today and tomorrow by reducing the need to travel and in turn minimise carbon emissions”
Clarke Telecom. 23/00631/TEL Wakefield
Some example refusals in Merton:
• The combined inappropriate siting, design, excessive height, width and bulk of the proposal would result in a visually prominent, dominant and incongruous form of development that would adversely affect the character, appearance and the visual amenity of the Church Road street scene, adjoining Conservation Area and Grade II* Listed Park. The proposal is therefore considered to conflict with Policy CS14 of the Core Strategy 2011, Policies DM D2, DM D4 and DM D6 of the Sites and Policies Plan 2014 and Policies D8 and HC1 of the London Plan 2021.
• The combined inappropriate siting, design, excessive height, width and bulk of the proposal would result in a form of development that would negatively impact the Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) and is considered to be a form of inappropriate development. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy CS 13 of the Core Strategy 2011 and Policies DM O1 and DM O2 of the Merton Sites and Policies Plan July 2014.
Mind control – you should ALL be aware of. “A patent held by the US government pertaining to mind control. It’s an electromagnetic manipulation technique classified as magnetotherapy designed to elicit physiological effects in human recipients through pulsating frequencies that are distributed by television screens and computer monitors. Basically, it’s a patent for mind control through a screen.”
“5G: Hazards and Myths,” presented by The Scientific Alliance for Education, March 16, 2023
Are Cell Towers safe on schools? 1min 30secs
Health and Research
Cece Doucette Presentation to MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Board. From 21 May 2019 but very concise and level headed.
Remembering Nearfield: A review by Karen Churchill
Remembering Nearfield. 9mins.
Germany: ‘Wangen City Implements Nightly WiFi Shutdown To Address Electrosensitivity’ – Paris Beacon, 8th April 2023. “The city administration wants to enable people who feel negatively influenced by the WLAN to have a good night’s sleep…“
Paris Beacon report, SWR.de report (german)
PETITION: UK NHS to Recognise Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity as a medical condition
Olle Johanssen about the legal significance of EHS being a “functional impairment” not a disease: “I don’t call a functional impairment a disease. Electrohypersensitivity is a functional impairment, and it is not something I ‘like’ it to be called – it is due to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (aka the UN Special Human Rights Act for Persons with Functional Impairments).”
IEEE: 5g-rollout-disappointments
IEEE: 5Gs-waveform-is-a-battery-vampire
6G White Paper from Ericsson: “Ericsson believes that future networks will be a fundamental component to virtualize all parts of life, society, and industries, fulfilling the communication needs of humans as well as intelligent machines.”
Clarke Telecom: “5G antennas have a different ICNIRP profile than the previous generations of radio technology and as such they need a greater clearance from existing development.” What do they mean by profile – Exclusion zone perhaps, because the phased array increases the distance a certain power will be received ?
5G spectrum bands explained – low, mid and high band. Nokia.
Legal and Resistance
Event: Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Communications Sources ARE SAFETY LIMITS VALID? Royal School of Medicine, London 13.30 – 18.30pm Wednesday 14th June, see Webinar invitation
This important event has been organised at the last minute, as Professor Kent Chamberlain – University of New Hampshire, Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering, New Hampshire Commission on Environmental and Health Effects of 5G, ICBE-EMF Commissioner – is over in the UK for an IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) meeting with Vodafone.
This is an excellent 22 min video of Kent speaking about his work: New Hants report on effects of 5G.
ULEZ: Judicial Review UPDATE – Judge Accepts Two Additional Grounds for Challenge. ULEZ and many other systems of course will need to rely on a 5G network to handle all the data required.