Calls for a smartphone free childhood, and no mobiles in UK schools, has been quite a theme this year. The campaigns focus on mental health and addiction of course, but provide a fair wind for gradually raising awareness of the radiation dangers as well. Under ‘Health and Research’ below we have new articles on the topic of smartphones and children.
From Tim Arnolds substack: “A Parent Pact has gathered signatures representing 72,697 children across over 9,602 schools who advocate for smartphone-free schooling. Spearheaded by the Smartphone-Free Childhood movement and based on the original pact by Hannah Oertel’s Delay Smartphones group, this initiative is a testament to where our digital norms are heading.“
Recent blogs:
•Take action steps on RFinfo: UPDATED Template Letter Step2:
•New portal for Mast planning application comments – ‘Esthers list’ August 2024.
Data Centers in Ireland Overtake All Urban Electricity Use Combined
As the market demand for this new ‘fast and effective’ communication technology is expected to expand exponentially in the near future, we face a very realistic question: “Where are we going to generate all of this energy simply to transport and store data?” 5G and the fast connectivity technologies are promoted as more efficient and energy saving. But how environmentally friendly will this be with exponentially increasing and widespread use?
Residents object to ‘ridiculous’ plans Wi-Fi masts on Sussex beach
Health and Research
Circadian Reboot – E19 Dr. Magda Havas Reveals the Health Risks of EMFs
The glaring omission in the smartphones and children debate. Daily Sceptic UK.
Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Thirty years of research. Moskowitz
It’s Okay To Be Off-Grid If You’re A Kid. Tim Arnold Substack
The Movement You’ve Missed: Smartphone Free Childhood
Bad connection: Study links cellphone radiation to brain cancer
Jonathan Haidt: Smartphones vs. Smart Kids. National summit on education. 52mins youtube.
New Clues on Colorectal Cancer Among Young Adults Higher Risks When Cell Phone Is Carried Below the Waist
Washington Post Shines Light on What Modern Life Is Like for People With Electromagnetic Sensitivity. CHD – USA.
For a Growing Number of Kids, Back to School Means No Cellphones. CHD – USA.
Legal and Resistance
The Safer Phones Bill: by Josh MacAlister OBE MP. A Bill to make smartphones less addictive to support healthier, happier childhoods
Stephen Fry, Chrissie Hynde and Sophie Winkleman sign letter protesting 5G advertising on the Tube. The message, which is spearheaded by musician and Save Soho founder Tim Arnold, warns of the “potential dangers” of this advertisement. “As parents and health professionals campaign worldwide to protect their children from the numerous harms associated with smartphone apps, your administration is normalising the pervasive technology they’re fighting against,” it says.

Conference on exposure of children to wireless radiation in schools
Key document of credible expert evidence countering the ‘thermal dogma’ : ICBE-EMF: Scientific evidence invalidates health assumptions underlying the FCC and ICNIRP exposure limit determinations for radiofrequency radiation: implications for 5G
Hypothesis on how to measure electromagnetic hypersensitivity
As a thought experiment: if you could buy a house next to a new 4G/5G mast or on a site with no mast nearby, which would you choose ?
Typically people take the precautionary approach …
Occasionally someone with skin in the economic ‘imperative’ of a ‘smart society’ will choose the one with a mast, maybe to make a point ;))