


The government did not provide a substantial response to the EECC submission filed on December 13th September 2023, so the Judicial Review application was crafted and filed with the Administrative Court on December 21st.

After the two potential defendants, Secretary of State for Health & Social Care (SofSHSC) and the Secretary for State for Levelling Up Housing & Communities (SofSLUHC), negotiated an extended deadline for replying to the 13th September submission, both failed to comment or counter the claims asserted in the submission.

Instead, they questioned whether they were the correct defendants, and suggested that it was possibly the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) who are responsible.

This position if it was true, should have been asserted when the submission was initially filed.

Their own particular obligations are clearly the subject-matter of the submission and their legal representatives formally acknowledged receipt of the submission and negotiated and extension in order to respond to it, so it is unacceptable that they then chose not to respond.

Certain elements of the submission were re-iterated with a reminder that the EECC submission had been sent to DSIT earlier in October. SofSLUHC and SofSHSC declined to respond to this final two-day opportunity to provide clarity.

This left Neil and Karen no other option other than to become claimants and pursue a Judicial Review against the both the SofSLUHC and SoSHSC, so they crafted and filed an application with the Administrative Court who sealed it on December 20th.

The Christmas and New year bank holidays gave them defendants reason to apply for another extension to respond to the sealed order, so a response is now expected by January 25th.

This case is citizen led i.e. there are no lawyers involved, Neil McDougall and Karen Churchill are representing themselves.

Please support them via the gofundme page as they now need cover their costs to continue with this vital challenge. 

Contact them via if you would like more information. Updates on the case will be posted on the gofundme page, on, and on,

Printable Flyer to share:

Keep on reading afterwards.

Further detail:

Many dedicated campaigners have exposed inconsistencies and procedural failures across different Councils, all precisely documented within the submission. This is an important aspect of this challenge because the courts can address procedural failure in relation to risk reconciliation whereas they are slow to engage with the science about the risk itself, as was seen in the Actionagainst5G case.

Currently, regulation is a scam. The ICNIRP guidelines are just guidance, as confirmed by Public Health England solicitors in August 2019, and yet they are being treated as a standard by local authorities. Risk reconciliation, which should be happening at the local level, is not happening.

The government states that involuntary exposure to wireless radiation is regulated by planning policy. Current planning policy effectively restricts the local authorities to not from performing any active risk assessment even though that function is directly assigned to them within the EECC. The government should have empowered and obligated the local authorities to perform risk reconciliation when the EECC was transposed into UK law in December 2020.

Even though the health implications of the transposition were raised by the AA5G legal team at the time, it is only now that Neil and Karen have collated enough evidence of multiple failures and are now in a strong position to make this challenge.

The Mendip Planning Board’s refusal of a 5G mast on health grounds is important evidence within the submission as it demonstrates that there is a reason and a legal pathway to refuse 5G masts on health grounds.

It demonstrates how the NPPF policy 118 can be superseded

The  Mendip Council’s planning case officer’s assumption that if the Planning Board solely apply government policy their EECC legal obligations would be fulfilled, was wrong. Case Officers across the country are making this wrong assumption.

The submission asserts that Telecoms’ specific environmental impact statements are necessary so that the local authorities can perform their EECC directly assigned risk reconciliation function meaningfully. Planning policy needs to be updated to acknowledge that requirement.

The power of this case is the emphasis on procedure and the government’s multiple failures to clarify the local authorities’ jurisdictional obligations;  the consequence of not doing so should be apparent to the judge.

Neil has carefully researched the 2018 EU Brexit Law to file this unique judicial review, as this law provided a three year window to make a challenge to restore rights from improperly enacted EU directives.

Such a challenge is only possible if there is an “Of a kind” legal case already having taken place. Neil identified such a case [comma taken out]and has carefully researched the meaning of “Of a kind”. This term is being hotly debated by esteemed barristers, such as Jack Williams, and is a matter of interpretation.

Pursuing this case is our last chance to force the government to fully implement local risk reconciliation and to restore our right to have our objections fully taken into account.

If successful, local authorities will be obligated to evaluate and fully account for evidence of risks of harm to the public and environment, so the case creates the opportunity to put non-thermal effects back on the table when decisions about 5G infrastructure are made.

Neil and Karen have worked voluntarily for four years, with some very welcome support from some close friends and campaigner colleagues. They now need wider support, as they need to ‘up their game’ with some of their expenses being met from campaigner donations.

Please use the gofundme page to offer them a donation.

News December 2023

Update on the EECC legal challenge to the UK government : we have finalised the letter before action correspondence with the government, who have failed to provide a substantive response so the Judicial Review application is now being prepared and will be filed on 11th December.

Meanwhile do keep objecting to mast applications; general template letter, with EECC action, link.

Application to The European Court of Human Rights – Action Against 5g

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Mast Applications

•Take action steps on RFinfo:

•Take action masts forum:


NEWYDDION GWYCH – MAST APPEAL DECLINED. Thanks to the Inspectorate for deciding in favour of common sense. It was good to see so many and such a wide cross-section of the inhabitants at the meeting, so keen to protect the Preselau.

Data mast plan for Pembrokeshire national park rejected

(June) Pembrokeshire: Wind and solar powered phone mast in UK first

Microwaving Our Planet. In an effort to connect every “thing”, event, and place on the planet to the internet, and to transition militaries into a new model of warfare, plans are for launching over 1,000,000 satellites into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to integrate and communicate with terrestrial 4G/5G, and the internet of underwater things (IoUT).

As of April 2nd, 2021, over 80 countries had satellite programs. Elon Musk’s SpaceX was leading the charge with plans for 48,000 Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites set to communicate with millions of User Terminals and hundreds of Earth base stations. More recently, some companies are planning mega constellations of over 100,000 satellites. 

Cellphone Task Force Newsletters Latest one is entitled “Dogs, Cats, Birds and Maui”, and the effects of Starlink dishes. Spectrum for Starlink is about 37-52Ghz.

Health and Research

Kids Developed Headaches, Stomach Pain, Sleeping Issues While at Vacation Home Near Multiple 5G Antennas

Are you absorbing radiation from your mobile phone? This 8min video shows an initial experiment designed to estimate the absorption of cell (mobile) phone radiation by 2Kg mincemeat as a first attempt at quantifying and checking the amount of RF (radio frequency) radiation that you might absorb with a phone next to your body.

This article in The Daily Sceptic by Gillian Jamieson summarises 4 case studies done this year in a real-life 5G environment by Prof Lennart Hardell and Mona Nilsson. They seem to show a massive increase in radiation even though millimetre wave is not yet in use. The figures are hard to believe. The symptoms are debilitating.

Phone tower shut down at school after eight kids diagnosed with cancer.

Experts Raise Public Health Fears About Microwave Syndrome From 5G Masts

Study Links Cellphone Use to Lower Sperm Count, but Authors Downplay Findings:

A Swiss study found high cellphone use was associated with reduced male fertility measures. But experts criticized the authors for speculating newer phones emit less radiation and for their ties to a group aligned with telecom industry interests


Technical proof: scalar waves exist.  In this interview from 2013 Professor Meyl explains and demonstrates not only the difference between electromagnetic waves (Heinrich Hertz 1888) and scalar waves (Nikola Tesla 1897), but also different and more convenient ways to apply them.  

From the 65min mark he explains how Scalar waves are also part the mechanism for biological effects from pulsed microwave RF radiation with mobile phone technology. This is very interesting to start to understand.  The official view justifies its belief that RFR causes no harm to biological organisms at non thermal levels because “there is no known mechanism of action”.  

This is a patently absurd assertion on which to found policy, but that’s still where we are unstuck.  Of course one day the hubris will be unveiled. The non-material is still a no go area for science since it also eludes objective repeatable measurement.

Our page on biological mechanisms and health.

Legal and Resistance

Application to The European Court of Human Rights – Action Against 5g. We have now proceeded with our application to the European Court of Human Rights. ‘The European Parliament’s Panel for the Future of Science and Technology has noted that there is evidence of the carcinogenic potential of lower frequencies RFR and that there are “no appropriate studies” that assess the impact of the higher frequency range of 5G.’

ICNIRP Revamp: Closer Ties to WHO EMF Project. While two medical doctors will be joining the Commission —there are none now— the membership will continue to be dominated by physicists and electrical engineers. ICNIRP’s entrenched thermal dogma will most likely continue to hold sway with cancer risks, and other non-thermal effects downplayed, when not dismissed outright.

Connecticut City BANS 5G Due to ‘Serious Health Risk to Humans’

This article points out that ICNIRP operates as a cartel protecting the interests of the industry – something which we are all well aware of, but what can we do about it? Successfully challenging ICNIRP seems to be the key to making any progress on radiation.

The Effects of Pulsed Microwaves And Extra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves on Human Brains? Governments Routinely “Classify Information” Pertaining to the Manipulation of the Human Nervous System

Jason Liasatos’ show regarding UK based charities ACHES and NRA: interviews with founding members.