Arthur Firstenberg, Author of “The Invisible Rainbow” and, more recently, “The Earth and I” has passed away.
Arthur’s passing is a great loss to the World. He planted many seeds for the Future, not in the least through his eye opening books. Thank you Arthur, for your dedicated service to the Planet! Now it is for us to nurture the seeds you have planted so that they grow into strong Trees …
In Memoriam: Arthur Firstenberg, Champion of EMF Awareness, May 28, 1950 – February 25, 2025
Gofundme link to support Karen and Neils efforts on UK legal challenges (see News below)
Recent blogs:
SIGN UP TO NEWSLETTERIncluding Wireless Radiation. Saturday 16.00.

Mast Applications
•Take action steps on RFinfo: UPDATED Template Letter Step2:
•New portal for Mast planning application comments – ‘Esthers list’ August 2024.
Tomorrow is a new year; choose life!, December 31, 2024. Arthurs last newsletter.
Arthurs final book: The Earth and I: What happens when one species believes it can control an entire planet?
Health and Research
Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields
New paper: “Safety of wireless technologies – the scientific view” says chronic disease epidemic was predicted by US navy research over 50 years ago.
The Impact of Electromagnetic Fields on Human Health
Teens’ rising aggression, hallucinations linked to early cellphone use, study finds. Natural News
Why Do Fiber Optic Installations Increase Electrical Sensitivity?
Cellphone radiation warning as researchers reveal new risk factor for 5G networks. Mail Online
This young woman’s website shares alot of information, but arranged in such a way that it doesn’t overtly threaten the non-believer, and she shares both data and understandable stories. Surviving Modernity, 7 Signs EMFs Are Making You Sick (Plus a Full List of Symptoms)
Legal and Resistance
Documentary: Swiped – the school that banned smartphones. Channel 4.
The Safer Phones Bill: by Josh MacAlister OBE MP. A Bill to make smartphones less addictive to support healthier, happier childhoods
ICBE-EMF sees “Serious Flaws”. Jan 2025 Microwave News. “There is no scientific justification for the WHO concluding there is any certainty that RF exposures do not cause cancer.”
Update on UK legal challenges
Bath Smart City proposal. BANES CEO Will Godfrey has exposed his contradictory position and is attempting to close down communication. Update 13.03.25.
Steven Thomas vs Cheltenham. Judicial Review, High Court Cardiff. The appeal has been heard and a ruling expected any moment now. Update 13.03.25.
Steven has prepared a one pager to inform new campaigners about how to object on health grounds and a brief intro to the cases, please see
EECC and objectors rights. Judicial Review, London. Karen Churchill and Neil McDougall. We are seeking permission to take the case to the Supreme Court after the appeal to re-open was returned to Judge Falk at the Court of Appeal for the second time. Update 13.03.25.
For further detail please see blog
Wi-Fi, Cell Towers May Soon Be Spying on You Without Your Consent
Stealing Energy From Radio towers Using Plasma: interesting reminder of what RF actually is !