Electromagnetic hypersensitivity close to mobile phone base stations

Lennart Hardell, Tarmo Koppel.  Electromagnetic hypersensitivity close to mobile phone base stations – a case study in Stockholm, Sweden. 

Reviews on Environmental Health. Mar 2, 2022. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2021-0169.


A previously healthy worker developed symptoms assigned to electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) after moving to an office with exposure to high levels of anthropogenic electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These symptoms consisted of e.g. headache, arthralgia, tinnitus, dizziness, memory loss, fatique, insomnia, transitory cardiovascular abnormalities, and skin lesions. Most of the symptoms were alleviated after 2 weeks sick leave.

The highest radiofrequency (RF) field level at the working place was 1.72 V/m (7,852 μW/m2). Maximum value for extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) from electric power at 50 Hz was measured to 285 nT (mean 241 nT). For electric train ELF-EMF at 16.7 Hz was measured to 383 nT (mean 76 nT). Exposure to EMFs at the working place could be the cause for developing EHS related symptoms. The association was strengthened by the symptom reduction outside the working place.


This investigation established three possible reasons for developing health symptoms associated with the EMF exposure, including the following.

  1. The working room was right below the mobile phone base station antenna, located on the roof of the building. The close proximity to these antennas caused significantly high RF radiation exposure in the working area.
  2. The working room is also positioned close to lower radiofrequency transmitter (TETRA emergency services), located on the neighboring roof of the same building.
  3. The working room was positioned within 20 m from the electric train railroad. 16 Hz magnetic field from the railroad power cable was on some instances the highest ELF MF component in the room, exceeding even the power grid 50 Hz MFs. Also, railroad power cable induced a fluctuating magnetic field in the office due to the coming and passing electric trains. As trains come and go, this introduces a change in the electric power supplied by the railroad electric cable. Consequently the magnetic field also changes in great amplitude.

In conclusion, there are at least three types of electromagnetic fields present in the working room, which cause a long term exposure to the workers. Exposure to multiple source electromagnetic fields could be the cause for developing EHS related symptoms. However, the person had been exposed to ELF-EMF also at other locations in the building, so exposure to RF-EMF seems to be the most probable cause to her developed health problems.

Open access paper: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/reveh-2021-0169/html


Online Daily Mail Readers concerned about surveillance, health risks, data mining and increased electrical consumption of 5G.

The world’s most read online newspaper, the Daily Mail, ran an article on 9th February 2022 about the plan to install new 5G devices on road signs, bus shelters and  traffic lights. The UK government has announced it wants to bypass Councils to make it easier for telecoms companies to put antenna on public infrastructure. 

“Phone users need to be closer to so-called 5G ‘cell sites’ in order to receive good signal – as the mobile network, though quicker, has a smaller range. Firms are able to create mini phone masts around towns and cities by installing the kit into street furniture, such as road signs and CCTV poles.

But the process of identifying places to put them has so far proved ‘difficult and time consuming’ – and has held up the roll-out.” 


The first 106 comments reveal:

  • Objections to 5G being given priority over lacking 4G coverage 
  • Objections about the energy consumption 
  • Lack of risk assessment or safety reports 
  • 25% of the comments concerned known health implications: cancer, headaches and others 
  • Objections to data mining and implied surveillance 

Here are three of the comments posted:

“Total surveillance of everything, everyone and everywhere. This investment is not so that you can download a film or game a bit quicker. We don’t need it – but THEY DO.” 193 likes, 20 dislikes.

“Lots of children at an American school were getting ill.. all of a sudden headache..nausea.. generally not feeling well as soon as the 5G antenna was installed on the roof of the school.. it was removed the problems went away.” 249 likes, 42 dislikes.

“5G needs 3x more electricity that 4G. So much for the government’s climate change goals” 217 likes, 26 dislikes.

The responses indicate a substantial disapproval of 5G, that people are not fooled by industry’s claims of ‘public benefit’ and object to giving more powers to the tech industry and disempowering their own representatives, and are incensed that £4 million of their taxpayers money is being directed towards boosting tech industry profits.

The most popular comment with 349 likes, seven times more than the 49 dislikes, was “This 5G isn’t for OUR benefit”

note: this is not about so called 5G mmWave sites. Smart city nodes and zones are based in the WiFi spectrum currently, but the issue of densification clearly increases chronic levels of pulse modulated electro smog, and increased data gathering feeds potential surveillance regimes.
