News April 2023

Update on 5G Legal Action – Help us secure a safer future. We are pleased to let you know that we are applying for permission to appeal the judgment received on March 8th.

The government stated repeatedly over the course of the Court Hearing that its “opinion” is that 5G is safe; this opinion has been arrived at apparently without scrutinising the position of ICNIRP, upon which the government itself relies. ICNIRP does not say that 5G is safe; not only does it leave many questions as to safety unanswered, but it also specifically sets out members of the public who are excluded from its notion of protection.

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Mast Applications

•Take action steps on RFinfo:

•Take action masts forum:

•UK National Residents Association website: community groups measuring and reporting RFR exposure levels

Planning rules for 5G masts in England Dec 2022


Glastonbury Town Council Meeting, 14 March 2023. Sandi Adams delivers powerful 11min speech on Smart Cities and Agenda 2021/2030.

Here is a great interview with Sandi Adams about how the opportunity came about and the level of awareness at this particular council.

Net Zero – BBC podcast, with some talk about the Body Electric at time 11m 50secs. “Every cell in out body carries an electrical charge. In her new book, We Are Electric: The New Science of Our Body’s Electrome, Sally Adee discusses how this facet might be harnessed for the detection of illnesses, medical treatments and whether it will allow us to develop hidden powers.” Significant progress, thank you Sally Adee !

Health and Research

5G Wireless Technology: Is 5G Harmful to Our Health? SaferEMR article

U.S. Invests $1.5 Billion to Spur 5G Rollout Despite New Evidence of ‘Devastating’ Health Issues (The study referred to is listed in March news)

Remembering Nearfield. 9mins. (see Vimeo embed below) A true story, animated over a recorded EHS testimony. Remembering Nearfield is an international animated film and is a finalist at the Lisbon Film Rendezvous and has been nominated a Finalist at the Rome Prisma Film Awards 2023 and Istanbul Golden Bridge Short Film Festival.

Yet another report has been recently declassified, this from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Washington DC. It seeks to identify the likely causes of “Havana Syndrome.”

“Havana syndrome is a series of debilitating symptoms that first affected U.S. intelligence officers and embassy staffers stationed in Havana, Cuba, in late 2016. In the following year, American diplomats in different parts of the world reported similar symptoms”. 

Why You Should Destroy Your Smart Phone Now. Off Guardian.


Our Coming Digital Prison with Aman Jabbi

Beamforming 5G waves. Beamforming will also work with massive MIMO, in which large numbers of antennas at a 5G base station direct beams to user devices both horizontally and vertically in order to improve throughput and efficiency.

Telco beam forming so far is not the same as Active Denial weapons systems!

5G spectrum bands explained – low, mid, high band. Nokia.

ICNIRP Guidelines’ Exposure Assessment Method for 5G Millimetre Wave Radiation May Trigger Adverse Effects The authors point out that the high data rate of Gigabits per second (Gbps – billion bits per second) associated with 5G communications may trigger an EMF wavefront called the Brillouin precursor, driving EMF energy much deeper into the body.

Vodafone lifts lid on manhole covers to improve mobile coverage

Legal and Resistance

Councillor raises public concerns over safety of 5G masts A report is to come before Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s planning committee in an attempt to address health and safety concerns around 5G telecommunications masts.

Authorities should be afraid of being sued by constituents in state court not telcos. If you pander to the telcos then remember the ballot box. webinar. See our blog here.

News March 2023

Action against 5G – judgement issued 7th March. Grounds dismissed. For the case update from the legal team please see here. The judgement can be read here.

5G Objectors Rights – Judicial Review March 2023. The grounds were dismissed, watch this space for the case analysis. There is a case update on the funding page after the hearing last week.

Mast Applications

•Take action steps on RFinfo:

•Take action masts forum:

•UK National Residents Association website: community groups measuring and reporting RFR exposure levels

Planning rules for 5G masts in England Dec 2022

A petition about the Lewes mast has just been launched – do please support 

Updated blog on mast refusal in Mendip on health grounds

We did it no more tower.  Nuneaton and Bedworth council have confirmed they will not be erecting the mast on Smorrall Lane opposite Bellaire Avenue, thank you to all those helped.


Glastonbury Town Council Meeting, 14 March 2023. Sandi Adams delivers powerful 11min speech on Smart Cities and Agenda 2021/2030. These surveillance systems of course require 5G/6G to operate. It is a topic that has engaged a whole raft of new people to question imposed policies, and who can hopefully sideways now understand more about 5G and its attendant hazards.

How to shield yourself from the 5G menace. Conservative Woman. G.Jamieson.

EMF’s Effect on Insects: Is Your Cell Phone Eradicating the Bee Population? SYB Las Vegas Feb 2023

EMF & Birds: Why EMF Pollution is Devastating for Birds SYB Las Vegas March 2023

Health and Research

Scientific evidence invalidates health assumptions underlying the FCC and ICNIRP exposure limit determinations for radiofrequency radiation: implications for 5G. Reposting because it’s a seminal report.

5G Towers Can Make Healthy People Sick, Two Case Reports Show. Children’s Health Defense. A new case report on two previously healthy men who developed “microwave syndrome” symptoms after a 5G cell tower was installed on the roof of their office, and a similar report published last month, show that non-ionizing 5G radiation can cause health problems in people with no prior history of electromagnetic sensitivity.

Referenced articles: Here are our two first articles on 5G and the microwave syndrome.  Note that these persons got the health problems after installation of 5G.  They had exposure 3G/4G since before.  In my mind more problems are to come.  It reminds me on my studies on phenoxy herbicides and dioxins – all started with case reports.  I include a historical paper on that, see phenoxyacetic acids/dioxins.

Kind regards,  Lennart Hardell

“Substantial scientific evidence” shows that RF radiation from mobile phones causes cancer. Natural News.

9 Leading Experts: RF Radiation Can Lead to Brain Damage, Alzheimer’s. Children’s Health Defence

Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, Addiction Expert, Discusses Risks to Children from Screen Time and Tech Overuse. Solari Report. The main topic is about screens BUT mention is made of EMFs and so this could be a good way of engaging parents – initially about problems such as ADHD but ultimately EMFs. 


Our Coming Digital Prison with Aman Jabbi. Aman is always very lucid on this issue. Smart Cities, digital fascism and the path to get there if we allow ourselves to be the boiling frogs.

It is helpful also to read the LightPaper article on ‘controlled money’, use cash ….

How living in a Smart City makes you a prisoner. StopWorldControl

Why you should say no to getting a smart meter Daily Telegraph UK

Torsion Fields and RFR. This is a harmoniser product, but the article is interesting in its discussion of torsion fields and their significance in how we react to pulse modulated EMFs.

Your iPhone Can Track You and Expose EMF When It’s Off. Completely OFF!

Legal and Resistance

UK action against 5G judgement Hot off the press, analysis and official commentary tbc.

Demand FCC recognise EMS/EHS and implement fibre.

Will Sheffield be the first Berkshire (USA) town to keep telecom and 5G in check? It’s up to voters

The DCMS are adding 3 new people to their 5G push.

  • Designing and implementing policies to drive take-up of innovative 5G-enabled services (such as remote healthcare).
  • Working with DCMS’ Barrier Busting Taskforce to design and deliver policies to make it cheaper and easier to rollout 5G. 
  • Leading strategic engagement with local authority and industry stakeholders to speed up deployment of 5G networks, and developing close partnerships with government departments to support digital infrastructure rollout.
  • Supporting the Government’s work on key structural and regulatory issues affecting the mobile market. 

Global Day of Unplugging 2023. sundown to sundown March 3-4. Unplug Collaborative. Be the change you wish to see.

Radiation court case against Belgium and the EU.