- Chat GPT opining on the effect of ‘non-ionising’ photons from radiowave exposure on human health.Quite a relief to have a sensible discussion with an entity that doesn’t shut you down and parrot hackneyed defences that justify abandoning the… Read more: Chat GPT opining on the effect of ‘non-ionising’ photons from radiowave exposure on human health.
- When does repeatedly blatantly breaking court rules amount to corruption?Links marked ‘¶15’ refer to paras in our legal submission seen here. Gofundme link to support Karen and Neils efforts Background Judge Jarman in Steven Thomas’ Cheltenham… Read more: When does repeatedly blatantly breaking court rules amount to corruption?
- Assert your rights in regard to telecoms mastsDid you know there are two important legal cases in the UK seeking to assert our rights in regard to telecoms masts? Don’t let… Read more: Assert your rights in regard to telecoms masts
- Apple AirPodsAirPods: Are Apple’s New Wireless Earbuds Safe? The third generation of Apple’s AirPods (aka AirPods 3) was introduced in 2021 and emit Bluetooth microwave… Read more: Apple AirPods
- Smart City BathThe ONE WORD project, led by Telet, will provide the City of Bath with a new 5G network utilising around 24 small cells deployed in the… Read more: Smart City Bath
- Multi photon excitationWe have seen in our earlier blog that ionization of air requires a high density electric field, normally achieved in nature through natural high-energy… Read more: Multi photon excitation
- Campaign SuccessesOver the last 3 years a few milestones have been reached, even though judicial challenges have been fraught.
- NPPF consultation‘Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system’ Scope of government consultation: ”The Ministry of Housing, Communities and… Read more: NPPF consultation
- Can RFR ionise the air ?It is sometimes claimed that radio frequency radiation (in the ‘non ionising’ spectrum) has the ability to ionise the air at relatively low power… Read more: Can RFR ionise the air ?
- 5G – some definitionsRecap: as a campaign our concerns about 5G and the other ‘G’s, including WiFi, are the effects of chronic exposure to pulse modulated and… Read more: 5G – some definitions
- Invalid ICNIRP certificatesTelco planning applications must be accompanied by a Declaration of Conformity with ICNIRP Public Exposure Guidelines. (our page all about the ICNIRP) Some background… Read more: Invalid ICNIRP certificates
- MP’s and members of House of Lords comments to mast applicationsThis list could be helpful in showing how influence can be used where there is a will ! Also therefore how the planning system… Read more: MP’s and members of House of Lords comments to mast applications
- CIPRACEM report on the Radioprotection criteria used by ICNIRPIbero-American Commission for Radiological Protection of Electromagnetic Fields (CIPRACEM) CIPRACEM has analyzed the latest ICNIRP publications and contrasted them with the ICRP Radioprotection criteria,… Read more: CIPRACEM report on the Radioprotection criteria used by ICNIRP
- NEW LEGAL CHALLENGE FILED ON TUESDAY 12th SEPTEMBER 2023January 2024 update: JR application made. see blog. THE UK GOVERNMENT ARE FAILING TO REGULATE WIRELESS RADIATION Wireless Radiation Safety: how close to masts… Read more: NEW LEGAL CHALLENGE FILED ON TUESDAY 12th SEPTEMBER 2023
- Mast Applications UK July update …We see continued success as mast applications are being refused across the country, with an estimated 60% refusal rate. However further progress is needed… Read more: Mast Applications UK July update …
- The ICNIRP certificate and safetyCouncils have a statutory duty to improve the wellbeing of residents. The ICNIRP “safety” certificate is based on guidelines which categorically do not apply to,… Read more: The ICNIRP certificate and safety
- Two Massachusetts Towns Call a Halt to 5GOn May 1st 2023, the residents of two towns in Massachussetts voted to new 5G cell towers on hold until the regulators provide environmental risk… Read more: Two Massachusetts Towns Call a Halt to 5G
- Campaign progress with Councils“The 5G network is closely connected with the Smart City agenda and will enable centralized control of lots of different street infrastructure owned or… Read more: Campaign progress with Councils
- Radiation court case against Belgium and the EUIn the Spring of 2021, SaveBelgium, a Belgian NGO, launched a court case against Belgium and the EU. The essence of their legal argument is… Read more: Radiation court case against Belgium and the EU
- Action against 5G hearing February 2023Official report from AA5G: link TBC The Judicial Review was finally heard this week, after 3 years of hard work. The courtroom had to… Read more: Action against 5G hearing February 2023
- Exclusion ZonesWhat are RF radiation exclusion zones? An exclusion zone is a region around an RF transmitting antenna where the general public or occupational workers… Read more: Exclusion Zones
- FOI request for 5G infrastructureCouncils have duties to protect public health under the 2012 Social Care Act, the NHS Act 2006, and the 2018 European Electronics Communications Code,… Read more: FOI request for 5G infrastructure
- Statutory Nuisance of 5G mastsAs 5G systems are experimental (whether it is the broad and expanding spectrum used, or the phased array signals), the impacted public can call… Read more: Statutory Nuisance of 5G masts
- Database of UK mast refusalsHere is a selection of Mast decisions/applications across the UK showing number of rejections and outcome of the applications. Posting objections, however brief or… Read more: Database of UK mast refusals
- Councils and 5G masts UK …It seems self evident to citizens objecting to a rollout of a technology that has proven health hazards, not to mention environmental ones as… Read more: Councils and 5G masts UK …
- Mendip Council – health impact based mast refusal A discussion by Asif of 5GinMerton Karen Churchill of Action Against 5G, which is challenging the UK Government over its failure to take notice of the… Read more: Mendip Council – health impact based mast refusal
- Quantum Electro BiologyTaking a look into possible solutions for overall health, and to understand more about the impacts of non native EMF (nnEMF), we can learn… Read more: Quantum Electro Biology
- Leaked T-mobile report …T-Mobile had commissioned a study in 2000 which showed health hazards of RF radiation, it was leaked and translated from German. The study shows… Read more: Leaked T-mobile report …
- Feel the buzz? That could be your home falling in value from 5G …As some of us are increasingly becoming aware 5G is an experiment on the population for which there have been no risk assessments and… Read more: Feel the buzz? That could be your home falling in value from 5G …
- UK National Residents AssociationsThe first project that we are focusing on with the National Residents Association (NRA) & Local Residents Association (LRA), is raising awareness around 5G… Read more: UK National Residents Associations
- How to protect yourself Against artificial Electro-Magnetic Radiationhttps://safetechinternational.org/how-to-protect-yourself-against-artificial-electro-magnetic-radiation/ May 14, 2022 By Tanja Katarina Rebel 1. De-smarting: De-smart your home and your personal life. Get rid of all wireless devices. If you don’t… Read more: How to protect yourself Against artificial Electro-Magnetic Radiation
- No more lies ….Silent and relentless. Wireless pollution is hurting us all. We are all being exposed without a choice and without full disclosure of the known… Read more: No more lies ….
- Humans, Flora and FaunaMay 2022: Three interviews and three telling documents about the harm caused by artificial Electro-Magnetic Radiation to humans, Flora and Fauna: EM Radiation Research Trust… Read more: Humans, Flora and Fauna
- Pittsfield board of health submit Cease and Desist order to VerizonThis forms a strong precedent case, especially since it is lodged by the equivalent of a UK District Council. The nearest we have to… Read more: Pittsfield board of health submit Cease and Desist order to Verizon
- Introduction of Radar on National Highways’ Smart MotorwaysLetter to National Highways Dear National Highways The problem of tragic increases in fatalities on Smart Motorways has been an unfortunate reality on the… Read more: Introduction of Radar on National Highways’ Smart Motorways
- Save Our LandlinesUpdate to action March 2025: Suggested Action: take or make a picture of a corded Landline Telephone, a Telephone Booth or anything else Landline related, add a… Read more: Save Our Landlines
- Electromagnetic hypersensitivity close to mobile phone base stationsLennart Hardell, Tarmo Koppel. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity close to mobile phone base stations – a case study in Stockholm, Sweden. Reviews on Environmental Health. Mar 2, 2022.… Read more: Electromagnetic hypersensitivity close to mobile phone base stations
- 5G ARTICLE RAISES THOUSANDS OF RESPONSES IN 24 HOURSOnline Daily Mail Readers concerned about surveillance, health risks, data mining and increased electrical consumption of 5G. The world’s most read online newspaper, the… Read more: 5G ARTICLE RAISES THOUSANDS OF RESPONSES IN 24 HOURS
- New Hampshire 5G Commission concludes that the evidence fully justifies a 500m setback for cell towers23.01.2022 Testimony on cell tower setbacks in New Hampshire: no Federal accountability on cell tower radiation 08.02.2022: Massachusetts Town Threatens Verizon With Cease-and-Desist Order… Read more: New Hampshire 5G Commission concludes that the evidence fully justifies a 500m setback for cell towers