If you haven’t seen the 5G Exposé yet, here is another chance. The 5G Exposé brings together experts from across the World in the fields of wireless radiation, cancer, legislation and the law and is a must see for all: 2.5hrs, with timestamps for 7 expert speakers
Please send the Exposé to your Political Representatives as a matter of urgency, together with the Electrosmog Policy Brief, outlined further down this post.
A new initiative, The Childrens Declaration, will be delivered in person to the United Nations on World Children’s Day, November 20, 2023.
‘We encourage everyone to sign but will be highlighting to the United Nations the legal, health, and scientific experts, as well as child advocates. That said, signatures from the general public are essential. So please everyone sign on!’
Update on the EECC legal challenge to the UK government : The DOH response consisted of a declaration saying the challenge needs to be addressed to the department which used to be called DDCMS (Dept of digital, culture media and sport) and they have passed on the submission to that dept.
Meanwhile do keep objecting to mast applications; general template letter, with EECC action, link.
Sign up to newsletterMast Applications
•Take action steps on RFinfo: https://rfinfo.co.uk/masts/
•Take action masts forum: https://ukstop5g.freeforums.net/board/3/post-object
Worthing residents ‘seething’ at plans to build 55ft 5G mast on their doorsteps.
The “Internet of Underwater Things” or “Smart Oceans” idea is crazier than crazy…. They aim to link up the Oceans to the (planned) 100,000 satellites in the sky and want to use sonar and/or light to communicate through the water…. It will be disastrous for Marine life and in particular Marine mammals. Here is some more information:
Internet of Underwater Things and Big Marine Data Analytics – A Comprehensive Survey
Smart Ocean Impacts of Technology on Marine Life – SafeTech international
This short video addresses plans to create an Internet of Underwater Things (IOUT) by connecting the Oceans to broadband satellites, thereby turning them into “smart” Oceans, causing untold suffering to Marine mammals and all Marine Life. 7mins.

Health and Research
Please see our Flyers page, new ones are asking the questions about exposure being safe and highlighting typical symptoms.
New Smart Meter Petition in the UK: for a response from the government 100,000 people need to sign it. So please share in any way that you can. You can also see our Smart Meter page.
Letter of response from the Department of Energy Security & Net Zero in response to the RRT Letter of Complaint against the Energy Bill and Smart Meters, UK. This clarifies that there is no legal obligation for people to accept smart meters, though industry are heavily incentivised to succeed in expanding the network. The letter repeats the usual denial of health effects, they should know better to Eileen O’Conner! There are of course no plausible reasons yet for smart meters other than industry convenience and remote control.
The Government do not know who’s liable! Richard Vobes and Eileen O’Conner. 54mins.
The Great Smart Meter Swindle. 2018, 12mins, but still relevant.
What does ‘safe’ really mean? The Hart Group explore 5G with Gillian Jamieson. Are public health officials abusing the word once again?
5G – Do NOT consent Music Video by Jalalo. And other articles, “The deployment of 5G — on both land and in space — MUST be stopped.”
The Staggering Ecological Impacts of Computation and the Cloud. This article offers an interesting perspective on our over usage of tech and the consequences for the environment. I shudder to think of the consequences of the water used in the colling systems have on the natural rain clouds once it has been polluted with all that frequency. Perhaps you would like to add the article to your website?
Lloyd Burrell of ElectricSense Heal yourself with scalar waves webinar. Scalar waves are also part the mechanism for biological effects from pulsed microwave RF radiation. See below:
Technical proof: scalar waves exist. Prof. Meyl shows not only the difference between the electromagnetic waves (Heinrich Hertz 1888) and the scalar waves (Nikola Tesla 1897), but also different and more convenient ways to apply them. From 56min mark he explains how Scalar waves function biologically with mobile phone technology.
Legal and Resistance
The 5G Exposé brings together experts from across the World in the fields of wireless radiation, cancer, legislation and the law and is a must see for all: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/5g-expose/5g-expose-livestream/?utm_id=20231016
“Being Swedish, it was particularly interesting for me to hear Dr Lennart Hardell (29 minutes into the Webinar) speak about the Electrosmog situation in Stockholm and show telling pictures of people unknowingly surrounded by base stations everywhere and thus bombarded with hair-raisingly high levels of wireless radiation.”
This is of course a Global development and everyone, especially those in power, needs to see this illuminating Webinar – as well as the Electrosmog Policy Brief:
Electrosmog Policy Brief: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/electrosmog-policy-brief/
Key Points
- The study of electricity should be restored to biology and medicine.
- Personal wireless communication must be phased out because the radiation that carries all the messages is destroying life on earth.
- Mobile phones must be replaced with landline phones, WiFi with ethernet cables, and other wireless consumer devices with devices connected by wires and cables.
- Mobile phone antennas and masts must be phased out and removed.
- Wireless technology must be removed from vehicles.
- Smart meters must be replaced with analog meters.
- Smart highways, smart cities, and the Internet of Things must cease being developed and deployed.
- Radar stations must be limited in number, location and power.
- Radar (microwave) ovens should not be used for heating food.
- An international treaty on electrosmog, addressing radiation on land, in the oceans, and in space, must be drafted.